Thursday 9 February 2012

Comment on how the setting of Act 1, Scenes 1-3 help Shakespeare prepare the reader for tragedy.

Shakespeare begins the play in Venice, "Venice was one of the most powerful and civilised states of Europe" due to it's high commercialism, sophisticated comunnity and way of living. However, this patriotic, civilised society had a downside...

- Othello is the only black man in the play and could be considered an outside however, Othello is also a general with high authority whom is respected by many. However, Venice suffered from racial discrimination so it is not surprising when Othello receives racial discrimination i.e. being refered to as the "moore" and not his real name, "devil", "thick lips"; these racist comments are seen throughout Act 1. Later in the play, one of Iago's reasons on why Desdeomna would cheat is because Othello is black. In my opinion, setting the play in Venice allows Iago to play on his race and use it to create conflict which is a convection of tragedy.

- The courtroom also gave a sense of authority; the duke uses logic to sort the problem with Othello, Desdeomona and her father. This authority highlights that Venice is a place of law and a place where problems can be fixed juxtaposing the lawless land of Cuprus.

The play moves to Cyprus where war is supposedly happening. Cyprus is isolated and far from Authority which causes problems for the protaganist, Othello...

-Cyprus allows Iago to manipulate Othello because Iago can cause conflict between characters and become more closer to Othello, Othello has no choice but to fall into the trap of Iago as nobody is there to tell him otherwise. Due to this, it reveals Othello's tragic flaw of his poor judgement and naiveity which is a convection of tragedy. Othello could have trusted Desdeomona and Cassio however, he falls into Iago's deceiving trap and lets his emotions overcome him.

1 comment:

  1. Charlene, this is good work. Insightful comments and good use of supporting evidence used, so well done!
