Saturday 4 February 2012

Based on acts 1 & 2 what sub genre of tragedy does Othello fit into?

In the first two scenes of Othello, the theme of Revenge is strongly evident. Shakespeare sets it up from the beginning of the play. At the start, we see Iago is angry with Othello for giving Cassio who "never set a squadron in the field" a higher status than him. He later reveals to Iago that he wants to seek revenge on Othello, "I follow him to serve my own upon him." Revenge is referenced very early on in the play, somehow Iago deludes himself that Othello has been with Emilia, his wife "...Content my soul Till i am evened with him, wife for wife..." This theme of revenge manifests itself unto Othello until the peak of the play where Othello kills Desdemona. 

Shakespeare successfully sets up the sub genre of revenge through the character of Iago. He is the most selfish character and seeks revenge on Othello for a reason that the audience will lather come to empathise with- Honor. "Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners." Iago only serves himself and he feels he must avenge his honor. Iago is the embodiment of revenge. In scene two we learn of the importance of honour and reputation from a more trustworthy character Cassio, " Reputation, reputation, reputation! ... I have lost the immortal part of myself..." Shakespeare creates a believable reason as to why Iago seeks revenge and also why Othello seeks revenge later on in the play.

At the time many Revenge tragedies were based on sexual betrayal, this is hinted at by Brabantio, "Look to her, Moor if thou hast eyes to see/ She has deceived her father, and may thee." this is a rhyming couplet, which adds emphasis to the phrase and forebodes a tragic end. It also becomes the basis of Iago's revenge, "That Cassio loves her, I do believe it/ That she loves him, 'tis apt and of great credit." This is also a rhyming couplet and ties in with the idea of sexual betrayal.

The use of dramatic irony through the asides of Iago, help to remind the audience this is a revenge tragedy. For instance when Othello and Desdemona are reunited, Othello says " My soul hath so content so absolute that not another comfort like to this succeeds in unknown fate." This foreshadows the needless end to their love.After Desdemona rebukes that he later says, "And this, and this , the greatest discords be that e'er our hearts shall make." Iago responds by saying " [Aside] O you are well tuned now! But I'll set down the pegs that make this music..." Iago becomes a grey cloud over their relationship and later on he becomes the little voice who plants seeds of doubt into Othello's mind, causing him to doubt her fidelity. Revenge is a driving factor for this play.

However at the end of the play, many more elements are added to the play which subsequently make it a domestic tragedy. The play can ultimately be summed up as a middle class (Othello) character with a fatal flaw (Jealousy) that causes the tragedy between the husband and wife.


1 comment:

  1. Faith, once again high quality work. Well done. However, do consider that revenge is not the only thing that is needed for a revenge tragedy, in fact, it may not even the most important (as strange as that sounds).
